Message to All
Submitted by Rowden on Fri, 04/05/2019 - 11:51Rowden April 2019
May your great sport excite your heart.
Kindle in your mind a creativity
To journey beyond the old limits
Of all that has become wearisome.
Submitted by Rowden on Mon, 03/04/2019 - 13:42Rowden March 2019
Success at the highest levels doesn’t always demand raw effort. The effort-intensive approach can work well with some sports but not with others.
8 Prime Points
Submitted by Rowden on Mon, 03/04/2019 - 13:36Rowden March 2019
• Table tennis is all about CONTROLLING the play (basically being consistent) until you can win the point by some form of CHANGE (more power, speed or spin, better placement or angles, softer, shorter balls etc). These combinations of change whatever they may be, are the way our game is going to develop.
The LTAD Model
Submitted by Rowden on Mon, 03/04/2019 - 13:28Rowden March 2019
There are according to sports scientists, critical periods in an athlete’s career when the effects of training can be optimised and LTAD focuses on these key moments in order to maximise the individual’s development.
Science of the Women's Game
Submitted by Rowden on Wed, 11/21/2018 - 17:43Rowden November 2018
Women have always played closer to the table than men and have always had less spin than men. With the best women players in the world (over the last 6 decades always from Asia) speed has invariably been prioritised over spin.
What is Athletic Toughness?
Submitted by Rowden on Fri, 08/31/2018 - 10:05Rowden 2018
Just what qualities make or mar the top athlete?
Coach Maturity
Submitted by Rowden on Fri, 08/31/2018 - 09:40Rowden August 2018
Too many coaches at all levels seem to put their own interests before those of the player.
Submitted by Rowden on Mon, 07/02/2018 - 07:31Rowden July 2018
The prime goal of any athlete is to achieve maximum performance even under the extreme pressures of high level competition. You require your body to do what it’s capable of doing whether it’s a routine training session or the final of a world event.
Submitted by Rowden on Wed, 05/30/2018 - 17:53Rowden June 2018
Power is not only what you have, it’s also a matter of what the opponent thinks you have!
Game Management
Submitted by Rowden on Sun, 03/11/2018 - 17:10Rowden March 2018
In our sport it’s not necessarily the best player who always wins. It is the player who manages the game best and who is able to adapt and change to cope with differing opponents and situations.